What is tooth jewelry?

What is tooth jewelry?

Tooth jewelry

Tooth jewelry is a very emotional gift that is particularly reminiscent of the first wobble tooth or of a beloved pet.

The idea of producing a piece of jewellery with a tooth was created from the desire to keep this precious memory and to create something durable and tangible as a memento of this particular moment .

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Your questions explained

When shipping and manufacturing of tooth jewelry, there are some things to consider, such as the size of the tooth in the selected piece of jewellery.

To save you effort, work and time, we have explained all questions and interesting information for you in videos compact!

How to easily order, we have explained here.

Dental jewelry as a perfect childhood memory

Everyone knows the story of the tooth fairy!

For all children It is a special moment when the first tooth wobbles and then after a long wait and anxiety fails. The tooth fairy is then the magical creature that at night lays quietly and secretly a small coin under the pillow of the loved ones.

Instead of letting the tooth get dusty in a box, you can turn it into jewelry for eternity . From simple to extravagant, you can add the finishing touches to your jewelry by combining coloring, glitter, precious metal sheets and engraving.

This makes your memory a true favourite, which you can always carry with you!

Tooth jewelry | Childhood

The tooth as a symbol of a special friendship

Your own pet is a faithful and intimately beloved companion in the lives of many people. Animals give us the same degree of love, relaxation and usually rest. As loyal companions you determine our everyday life, travel and are for many people also a true part of the family. It is all the more important to have a memento in the lifetime or in the case of grief.

This special remembrance jewelry can be made in the form of hairor tooth jewelry. The combination of both components such as fur and tooth is the most popular, as all parts can be staged individually in the jewelry. Do you have a story that you would like to share with us and that we should publish?

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More interesting facts about tooth jewelry

More interesting facts about tooth jewelry

Tooth jewelry as an eye-catcher | History

The teeth as hard structures in the oral cavity are still regarded as jewelry and so today the tooth jewelry is a piece of jewelry on the tooth, which is glued to the tooth as an eye-catcher.

People already had the desire for attention in the Stone Age and have directed teeth through tooth jewelry. The teeth were depicted in oversized rock images and as a trophy the hunters adorned their necks with a tooth necklace.

In the middle of the first millennium before the turn of the Times, the first dental works and tooth jewelry were made by Etruscans and Phoenicians . The beginnings of the dental profession “dentist” were already encountered in 2500 v. Christ, when the dentures were carved from bone or ivory and tied with gold wires on their own teeth.

The ancient tooth bridge was more of a dental decoration than a functional tooth bridge, which was fixed and fastened to the remaining teeth with a ribbon of gold , as the history of dentistry shows. At that time, human or animal “replacement teeth” were also made of ivory with a metal pin on the gold-belt, because already at that time they knew that the saliva in the mouth could not attack the gold.

Gemstones are usually glued directly to the teeth without drilling at the dentist and give a radiant smile the unique something.

Tooth jewelry | Dental
Tooth jewelry | Tooth

Gemstones on the tooth

Jewelry on the tooth like Twinklers, Dazzler and grills is referred to as tooth jewelry and is the term for a variety of fashionable tooth decorations.

The attachment of gemstones is completely painless for the tooth and harmless for the tooth, because the tooth is neither sharpened nor drilled.

Gemstones are available in various variants and price segments. In some cases, artificial dental crowns as crown substitutes can also be considered as dental jewelry. Tooth jewelry is also suitable for any prosthesis wearer with a denture as a denture, because there is no risk of tooth damage or tooth wear on the surface of the tooth and does not cause any toothache.

In many countries, especially Eastern Europe, unveneered gold crowns are considered as tooth decorations and as a sign of prosperity. Healthy, undamaged teeth are often capped, which is in fact a medical breach of the duty of care and care. Twinkles or brillies are dental jewelry and are often refined with gems such as ruby or rhinestones. Dazzler includes an ornate gold foil.